What Is Cysticercosis?

By boone
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10. Is Cysticercosis Found Worldwide?

Some people believe all types of tapeworm infections are only found in developing countries. Cysticercosis can be found anywhere pigs are present, which means cases are found worldwide. There are some areas of the world that are more likely to have a larger population of infected people, including rural areas and parts of the world where sanitation is poor. Any time someone travels to an area with these conditions, there is a risk of exposure to tapeworms through drinking water or unsanitary food. Hand washing and other sanitary practices can help mitigate some of the risks.

Although it is not common, people who have not traveled outside of the developed countries can still become infected with cysticercosis. Being exposed to Taenia solium eggs from the feces of an infected person who has traveled to a developing area can cause an infection even if no pigs are currently present. The development of cysticercosis is not common under these circumstances but has been reported. Someone who has an adult tapeworm infection can develop cysticercosis through the eggs the tapeworm lays in the digestive tract. Even without a high risk of exposure, it is important for all people to maintain sanitary conditions whenever possible to prevent the development and spread of disease.


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