What Is Croup?

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. Is Croup Dangerous?

Although most cases of croup resolve on their own within a few days, there are some cases that require a visit to a physician or a hospital. For the majority of children, croup does not end up being dangerous. If the condition has lasted longer than five days and has started to worsen instead of improving, it is time to call the doctor to see if more intervention is needed.

Other indicators that a visit to the doctor is needed are when symptoms become concerning, severe or unmanageable at home. Noises that are high pitched when breathing in and out, especially if the child is not upset or crying, can be an indicator that the airway is more restricted. A fast respiratory rate, difficulty breathing or skin that has taken on a bluish or grayish tint mean that emergency care is needed.


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