What Is Conversion Disorder?

By amanda
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Most healthcare professionals refer to conversion disorder as part of an entire category of functional neurological disorders. In the past, this disorder was referred to as hysterical neurosis, but the implications of the term hysterical have made this an obsolete term. Many professionals refer to the disorder as functional neurological symptom disorder, as it is largely related to the entire category of disorders.

This disorder may appear similar to factitious disorder, but the two have distinct features. Factitious disorder is a mental disorder where a person intentionally deceives health care professionals and creates symptoms that he or she knows are false. Work with a mental health professional to discuss the signs, symptoms, prognosis and treatment options of conversion disorder. Now that you understand the common signs of this disorder, explore treatment options related to a specific case or contact a health care professional if you believe you or someone you know may have this disorder.

Conversion Disorder

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