What Is Bipolar?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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10. Patient Education

Patient education is crucial for those with bipolar disease. Education should not only be for patients but also for their family members and other individuals in their support system. Evidence from literature has proven the importance of educational efforts in increasing quality of life and patient compliance. A vital part of patient education involves the explanation of the biology of the disease as this helps patients to understand the disease and decreases the feelings of guilt while acknowledging the importance of medication. Patients and members of their support system should also be taught how to monitor the early warning signs, symptoms, and reemergence of the disorder.

Other important aspects include identifying stressors and joining a support group. Listening to stories from other patients can help them see the challenges and struggles from a different perspective. Bipolar disorder patients should also be advised to have a regular exercise routine and sleep schedule.


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