What Does an Ovarian Cyst Feel Like?

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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6. Ovarian Cyst Diagnosis

Your doctor may find an ovarian mass during routine physical examination. This would provide an opportunity to run tests and offer the necessary treatment. The doctor will usually order for an ultrasound to confirm whether it is an ovarian cyst or not.

The ultrasound imaging will also determine the size, shape, location, and internal composition of the cyst. CT scans may also be used to provide cross-sectional images of the ovaries, while MRI produces in-depth images of internal organs. Most cysts disappear after weeks or months. For this reason, your doctor may recommend doing another test after a while to check whether the cyst still exists or not, and if it is growing or shrinking. If there is no change, or the condition becomes worse, further tests will be done, and your doctor will suggest a treatment plan.

Ovarian Cyst

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