What Does a Hernia Feel Like?

By kevin
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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7. Lowering the Risk of a Hernia

At the end of the day, some people are very likely to develop a hernia due to genetics, age, and lifestyle habits. If you have weakened abdominal muscles from birth, for example, it can be difficult to lower your risk factors for a hernia. However, some steps might be able to put you in a better position for the future. Maintaining a healthy weight helps take some of the pressure off your gut and reduces the odds of a hernia. Similarly, the decision to stop smoking makes it less likely a coughing fit will cause a hernia.

Lifting heavy objects is the easiest way to develop a hernia. If you’re at risk, reduce how often you lift heavy items and try to avoid bending down to pick up anything from the ground.


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