What Does a Hernia Feel Like?

By kevin
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Common Causes of Hernia

Though a very common ailment, it isn’t always easy to understand what causes a hernia in adults. For a number of adults, this type of hernia develops later in life because the muscles in the abdomen have deteriorated from the ravages of time. Those who engage in intense physical activity or have the habit of smoking might also be more susceptible to hernias due to the pressure placed on the abs from these actions. Any period of time where the abdomen receives more pressure than usual may lead to a hernia.

Additional causes of a hernia can include intense fits of coughing or sneezing from allergies, smoking, or environmental irritants. Straining during a bowel movement is another common way to push a hernia outward. Many pregnant women can be at risk for hernias while carrying a child, and speaking to an OB/GYN can clarify what steps to take to limit the odds of this happening.


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