What Does a Hernia Feel Like?

By kevin
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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3. Hernia Warning Signs

For a number of adults, the simple solution to a hernia is pushing the bulge back into the abdomen. While this is a fine solution for the most part, there are specific hernias that cannot be treated in such a straightforward way. In fact, specific warning signs might help you understand whether or not the hernia has been strangulated. A strangulated hernia is one that becomes trapped in the abdominal wall and cuts off the blood flow to the tissue that is being pushed outward. If untreated, a strangulated hernia can be very dangerous.

Common signs of a strangulated hernia include nausea and vomiting in addition to the standard hernia indications. Someone dealing with this condition is also likely to have a fever, as well as sudden gut pains that intensify quickly. The hernia itself will also take on a purple or red hue when it has become strangulated.


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