What Are Interleukins?

By jolene
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10. Interleukins in Inflammatory Myopathy

Inflammatory myopathy is a condition where the muscles are weak and inflamed. The cause is often unknown and it is classified based on signs, symptoms, and test results. Some patients may have underlying cancer. The main classes are dermatomyositis, inclusion-body myositis, and polymyositis. The current treatment of these conditions depends on nonspecific immunosuppressants and can cause many side effects. Studies have found that the levels of interleukin 23 was found to be higher among patients with inflammatory myopathy compared to normal individuals. One study found that interleukin 23 is expressed in damaged muscles. The same study also suggested potential therapies such as ustekinumab, tildrakizumab, and guselkumab in the treatment of inflammatory myopathy.


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