10 Ways to Reduce Water Retention

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Water Retention Method #4: Reduce Carbohydrate Intake

Majority of the time, people look at avoiding carbohydrates due to its negative reputation. Truth is, the body needs carbohydrates for providing energy and regulation of glucose, energy, dietary fiber, and the breakdown of fatty acids. Reducing the amount of carbohydrate intake is ideal and can help reduce water retention.

Carbohydrates raise insulin levels. Once insulin levels rise, the amount of sodium and water in the kidneys will be lost. Also, carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. In the body, water is stored with glycogen, which then increases water retention. Consuming a low-carb diet can help drop insulin levels and also decrease water retention.

Water Retention

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