10 Ways to Reduce Water Retention

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Water Retention Method #6: Increase Potassium Intake

Potassium is an essential mineral and electrolyte needed to maintain fluid balance and aid in fluid loss. Its function is important for the normal functioning of muscles, nerves, and cellular activity. The recommended dietary allowance for adults is 4,700 mg a day. Some of the foods with high potassium content is green leafy vegetables, bananas, potatoes, and avocados.

Studies have shown that potassium-rich foods can help balance sodium levels and increase urine production. Due to excess sodium leading to water retention, potassium can help decrease the excess fluid. The increase of potassium foods will not only help with water retention, but it will help decrease blood pressure and lower the sodium and chloride retention in the kidneys.

Water Retention

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