10 Vitamin K Deficiency Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #8: Paleness or Yellowing of Skin

Too much bilirubin causes yellowing of skin. Bilirubin is a yellow colored chemical which results from the breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen to different parts of the body. Old blood cells are broken down and the resultant materials either excreted or used to make new cells. If your liver is unable to break down blood cells successfully, the resultant bilirubin floats within blood. This causes skin to appear pale of yellowish.

Vitamin K is one of the vitamins that the body uses to process bilirubin and thereby prevent yellowing or paleness of skin. If you notice paleness or yellowing of skin, you probably lack adequate vitamin K in your body. It is recommended that you take foods rich in vitamin K, and seek medical help from a doctor.

Vitamin K Deficiency

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