Very Early Symptoms of Pregnancy
5. Breast Changes
Breast swelling or tenderness is also a common symptom in early pregnancy. These changes can even be observed as early as 1 to 2 weeks after conception. This is due to the physiological changes in the body due to the pregnancy. One survey reported that 17% of their study participants said that breast changes were their first observed changes during pregnancy.
In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (first trimester), the woman may experience sore, tingly, or heavy breasts while the nipples can also become sensitive or painful when touched. These changes are thought to be due to the hormone levels in the body, which causes increased blood flow to the breast tissue. With the progression of the pregnancy, the breasts may even enlarge and go up one or two sizes. This rapid growth leads to stretching of the skin, which can cause itchiness. Prominent blue veins may also appear.