10 Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #5: Diarrhea

When food enters into our digestive system, metabolism can take place. This basically means chemical reactions that allow us to extract energy and nutrients from our food. As this is occurring, our digestive systems will also be absorbing the water content. When we are ill, though, our food will sometimes be passed through our stomachs faster than usual.

This means that there is not time for enough water to be absorbed, meaning we have watery stools. This is commonly known as diarrhea and is a fairly common symptom of typhoid fever. In cases of typhoid fever, the stools take on a greenish-yellow appearance that is often referred to as pea soup. Severe diarrhea can lead to dehydration and also contribute to weight loss.

Typhoid Fever

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