10 Pernicious Anemia Symptoms

By dr. mera
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Rodriguez, N. (2020, June 24). Pernicious Anemia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK540989/
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5. Altered Sensation

Paresthesia is the medical term used to describe an altered sensation on a part of the body that usually manifests as tingling, numbness, or burning without an apparent reason. It can be caused by applying an abnormal pressure to a nerve, which causes the transient feeling of numbness that we experience after crossing our legs for too long or falling asleep on top of our hands. It can also manifest as “pins and needles” sensation that can be a sign of nerve damage.

Vitamin B12 is crucial for keeping our nervous system working properly. Neurological symptoms are quite common among patients with pernicious anemia. The classic triad of this disease is characterized by paresthesia, muscle weakness, and tongue soreness. As the nerves start to lose their myelin sheet due to lack of vitamin B12, the neurological signs start to appear as well.

Pernicious Anemia

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