10 Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

By iliriana
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #9: Irregular Menstrual Periods

When it comes to menstrual periods, every woman knows what is normal and what is abnormal for them. In cases when you suddenly start experiencing irregular menstrual periods without a reason, then an ovarian cyst might be the one causing this problem.

You should be very observant and pay close attention to your menstrual cycle and menstrual periods in general, as the periods can become lighter, heavier, or even painful as well. Any change in your menstrual cycle should be a concern which requires proper medical evaluation.

Another problem with ovarian cysts is the fact that they make conceiving harder, even though they don’t interfere with fertility. Because of irregular menstrual periods and hormonal changes, many women suffering from ovarian cysts have a hard time conceiving.

Ovarian Cyst

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