10 Mild Heart Attack Symptoms

By james
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A heart attack is caused when the supply of blood to the heart is interrupted. This means that the heart’s muscle is not fed with the nutrition it needs and this affects its ability to pump blood around the body. It can be fatal, although the severity of heart attacks varies considerably.

A mild heart attack has the same symptoms of a standard heart attack. The symptoms will not last for as long, though, and there will also be less damage caused.

Regardless, even a mild heart attack is something that should be taken very seriously indeed and medical assistance should be found straightaway. Below are 10 symptoms of a mild heart attack to look out for.

Symptom #1: Nausea

When we feel a little nauseous, we usually just have a rest and wait for it to pass. It is a fairly common symptom and is not usually something to be overly concerned about. Sometimes, though, it can be a sign that there is a serious problem.

Most people will try to dismiss nausea as not being serious and in most cases they will be right. It is wise not to be too complacent, though. If you feel that something is not right then you should pay attention, especially when other symptoms are present. Getting help quickly could literally be the difference between life and death.

Mild Heart Attack

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