10 Symptoms of Meningitis

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #4: Sudden Headache

A severe headache with a sudden onset may be a sign of meningitis. , specially if accompanied by other symptoms of meningitis. It may be caused by bacterial exotoxins, cytokines, and an increase in intracranial pressure, that stimulate receptors for pain (nociceptors) in the meninges. Patients with meningitis may experience an accentuation of the pain when they shake or jolt their head vigorously. The headache is usually one of several other meningitis symptoms including pain and stiffness in the neck, nausea and vomiting. A headache due to meningitis is different from headaches caused by factors like dehydration or even migraine.

The persistent, severe pain will not stop after rehydrating and may go on for several days. Even taking an over the counter pain medication may not relieve the meningitis headache. If you or a loved one suffers a sudden, severe headache in addition to one or more other meningitis symptoms, see a doctor immediately.


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