10 Symptoms of Meningitis
Symptom #2: Sore and Stiff Neck
A stiff, painful neck is a typical meningitis symptom that affects many patients. In patients with meningitis, traction on the meninges can be painful, since they are inflamed. This can result in limited range of motion through the spine (i.e. cervical spine). When a patient flexes their spine, it leads to the stretching of meninges and can be very painful. This is the basis for certain signs used in the clinical physical examination of a patient. The Kernig and Brudzinski signs have been used to diagnose meningeal irritation, however, they are not sensitive for the diagnose of meningitis. This collection of meningitis symptoms can also be seen in babies and young children. They may also be accompanied by other signs like vomiting and hypersensitivity to light or photophobia. .
If the meningitis symptoms have reached this far, the disease is already at an advanced stage and you should get immediate medical attention. It is worth repeating that meningitis can lead to serious complications including brain and nerve damage, or even death.