10 Home Remedies For Nausea
Home Remedy #6: BRAT Diet
The food we eat has a very great influence on either worsening or relieving the symptoms of nausea. Generally, fatty or fat-rich meals have a tendency of increasing the discomfort associated with nausea. The BRAT diet, on the other hand, helps to reduce the nausea sensations. The BRAT diet as the acronym suggests, consists of banana, rice, applesauce, and toast.
The BRAT diet is a recommended combination for people experiencing nausea and abdominal discomfort. These components of the BRAT diet are low in both fiber and fat content. For this reason, they are easily digestible, which removes digestive strain on the stomach. Additionally, because they have a bland flavor with no strong smell, these foods do not elicit nauseating sensations.