10 Home Remedies For Canker Sores

By albert
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Home Remedy #8: Honey

A honey rub is yet another good home remedy for canker sores in your mouth. Honey has potential anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that contribute to the healing process of canker sores besides other conditions. But for you to get these benefits, you should get raw, unprocessed organic honey. Many commercial honeys are full of chemicals, and they also lack the active compounds associated with the healing properties. Raw organic honey provides a soothing coating that is great for healing and pain relief.

All you need is a small amount of honey and warm water. Rinse your mouth with warm water then apply a small amount of the thick honey onto the sores. Do this twice or three times daily, especially in the morning and before you sleep. Repeat until you rid yourself of the canker sores.

Canker Sores

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