10 Home Remedies For Canker Sores

By albert
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Home Remedy #7: Yogurt

Yogurt is very beneficial for your mouth, besides the digestive system as a whole because it helps to balance the microorganisms therein. But, in order for you to get these benefits, you should ensure that you buy organic plain yogurt that has active live cultures. Commercial yogurts are generally full of chemicals and other filler ingredients.

Having unbalanced bacteria in your mouth contributes to the development of canker sores. This is why organic plain yogurt comes in handy. Since yogurt contains large amounts of good or beneficial bacteria, consuming it helps the oral cavity to get more beneficial microorganisms than the harmful microorganisms. This balance in favor of the good bacteria improves the health of your mouth, which aids in the healing of canker sores.

Canker Sores

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