High Triglycerides Causes, Symptoms and More

By leslie
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Triglycerides: Why do they Matter?' Mayo Clinic, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/in-depth/triglycerides/art-20048186.
  • 2. 'High Triglycerides' University of Michigan, www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/zp3387.
  • 3. Triglycerides: A big fat problem.' Harvard Medical School, www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter/article/triglycerides-a-big-fat-problem.
  • 4. 'High Triglycerides.' Beth Israel Lahey Health, www.winchesterhospital.org/health-library/article?id=11767.
Medical Expert Medical Expert

5. Diagnosis of High Triglycerides

A simple blood test as part of a lipid panel can identify high triglyceride levels. The panel includes HDL, which is good cholesterol, LDL and total fats. The higher the triglyceride level, the higher the LDL, the culprit contributing to artery blockage and heart attacks or strokes.3Triglycerides: A big fat problem.’ Harvard Medical School, www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter/article/triglycerides-a-big-fat-problem.

The blockage may appear in critical blood vessels, such as the aorta, or in femoral arteries in the groin. When these get clogged, there's a danger of losing limbs or damaging crucial organs. Death may also result.

High Triglycerides

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