Heat Stroke Symptoms

By adam
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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2. Rapid Pulse

Heat-related illnesses are hard on the heart and the cardiovascular system. Heat in general creates a more strenuous and rigorous environment for the heart. As the engine of the body, it is the heart’s job to help cool the body in hotter temperatures. The heart must rapidly circulate the blood near the surface of the skin to allow it to cool before returning to the heart and being pushed back again.

Your heart will circulate your blood two to four times more per minute on a hot day than on a cold day. When you add physical exertion or exercise to this equation, it is easy to see how the heart can be overworked during the warmer months. If you are experiencing a rapid and strong pulse that is unrelenting, then it is a major sign that you might be suffering heat stroke.

Heat Stroke

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