10 Health Benefits of Soursop

By albert
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Soursop Benefit #9: Improves Digestion

Your health is to a large extent dependent on your digestive health. This means that if you have good digestion, you will be healthier. Consequently, digestive problems can rob you of good health and lead to recurrent illness. It can also mean that your body does not benefit from many of the nutrients contained in the food that you eat. Eating some food items like soursop can help improve your digestion.

Soursop contains fiber and many antioxidants. Fiber helps improve bowel movement because it is indigestible by the human digestive system. The antioxidants in soursop neutralize free radicals within the gut, thereby preventing their damaging effects. Soursop further cleanses the gut by carrying away waste and excess water, allowing for healthy digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.


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