10 Health Benefits of Cat's Claw

By albert
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Health Benefit #9: Helps Repair DNA

Free radicals, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy, can lead to DNA damage, which can cause other health issues depending on the affected cells and tissues. DNA damage can lead to development of tumors and cancers. And yet chemotherapy and radiotherapy may be required for the treatment of cancer. In the period following radiotherapy or chemotherapy, a patient usually suffers with pain and discomfort as a consequence of these treatments. The suffering may go on for hours or days. In fact, while these treatment methods may help reduce the size of the tumors, they may also cause DNA damage in otherwise healthy cells and tissues.

Using cat’s claw when undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy can help reduce DNA damage and thereby act as supportive therapy. Cat’s claw also stimulates the body to produce more white blood cells to boost immune function, and progenitor cells, which replace damaged cells.

Cat's Claw

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