10 Health Benefits of Cat's Claw

By albert
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Health Benefit #4: Boosts Immunity

Cat’s claw has many immunity boosting properties, which can be attributed to the many beneficial compounds in the plant. Because cat’s claw has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, it reduces the harmful effects of chronic inflammation. This way, instead of the body’s immune system applying its resources to deal with inflammation, it fights the attacking microbes. Additionally, cat’s claw supports the body’s defense mechanism to infection fighting white blood cells. It also helps to repair broken DNA.

In a study, adult subjects took cat’s claw supplement for two months prior to receiving vaccination for pneumonia while the control group took placebo. By the end of the study period, the group receiving cat’s claw had developed a significant enhancement of their immunity compared to those who had taken a placebo.

Cat's Claw

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