10 Foods High In Calcium

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/71/5/1166/4729243
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Calcium Rich Food #5: Beans & Lentils

Along with a great amount of fiber, protein and other micronutrients, beans and lentils contain a good source of calcium. 200 grams of cooked white beans contain about 132mg of calcium. People tend to overlook beans because they are a quick and cheap food, however, they are extraordinarily packed with nutrients.

Beans have calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and cholesterol lowering soluble fiber. When paired with green vegetables, they can be an excellent source of calcium for those who follow a vegan diet. One way to eat them is in a taco salad or even cooked into a chili.


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