10 Benefits of Flaxseed

By tallene
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Flaxseed Benefit #6: Versatile

Adding flaxseed to your diet, may seem like a daunting task or maybe you feel clueless towards how to incorporate it into everyday meals. Flaxseed is wonderfully versatile and subtle, making it an easy addition to most dishes and flavor combinations ranging from fruit, yogurt, soups and stews, pastries, and a variety of cereals.

Flaxseed can be bought as an oil, ground, or whole, making the possibilities vast. Flaxseed has a nutty, subtle flavor that can pair with sweet, savory, and sour dishes. Try mixing 1-3 tablespoons with yogurt or a smoothie daily. It’s an easy way to start your day with healthy dose of omega 3. Another easy way to get flaxseed oil in your diet is to drizzle it on top of a salad or some grilled vegetables instead of dressing.


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