10 Benefits of Flaxseed

By tallene
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Flaxseed Benefit #5: Control Blood Sugar

Another benefit to consuming flaxseed is that it can help to control blood glucose levels. The Chinese Academy of Medical Science conducted a study on flaxseed to see its effects on cholesterol and glucose levels. The study concluded that flaxseed had consistently positive effects on lower fasting blood glucose levels as well as cholesterol, over a 6-week period.

The reason being that flaxseed, like most plants, contains fiber and the glycoprotein mucilage, which when in contact with water, bloat up and expand in the digestive tract. Although flaxseed may be beneficial for blood sugar control in person’s without diabetes, the found that it did not have an effect on those with type two diabetes. Therefore, consuming flaxseed can be a preventative measure against getting diabetes but is not a treatment for the condition.


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