10 Causes of Ovarian Cysts

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Cause #2: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS refers to a set of symptoms that occurs due to abnormalities in the metabolism of androgens and estrogen. Patients with PCOS usually present with heavy menstruation, amenorrhea, irregular periods, hirsutism, acne, infertility, pelvic pain, and patches of dark velvety skin.

Some of the conditions that are associated with PCOS include obesity, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, mood disorders, heart disease, and endometrial cancer. The diagnosis of PCOS can be achieved based on two of three of the following findings: high androgen levels, anovulation, and ovarian cysts.

Ovarian Cysts

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