10 Causes of Eye Twitching

By tallene
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Cause #9: Hemifacial spasm

Hemifacial spasm is also a rare neuromuscular disease. This disease has two forms, typical and atypical. In the typical form, the twitching starts in the lower eyelid in orbicularis oculi muscle. It may spread to the whole lid and muscle in the cheekbone area. The twitching occurs in the atypical form of hemifacial spasm. Twitching starts around the lips and cheekbones, then progresses to the eyelid. The incidence of hemifacial spasm is around 0.8 per 100,000.

Mild cases can be managed with sedation or drugs. Botulinum toxin injections are the current treatment of the spasm. Microvascular decompression is a common surgical treatment that relieves pressure on the facial nerve.

Eye Twitching

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