10 Causes of Eye Twitching

By tallene
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Cause #8: Blepharospasm

Blepharospasm is a neurological condition characterized by the gradual increase in twitching in both eyelids. It is a very rare disease and only affects 20,000 people in the United States. This involuntary spasm may continue for an extended period of time and may even lead to blindness. It is an abnormal blinking of the eyelid and can be the result of any cause, ranging from dry eyes to Tourette’s syndrome. It is not life threatening and does not disturb the eye’s ability to see, unless it is forced to close.

Although there is no cure, botulinum toxin injections may help relieve twitching temporarily. Drug therapy has proven to be short term and finding an effective regimen requires trial and error. People who do not respond well to medication or botulinum toxin injections are candidates for surgery, which would remove muscles responsible for eyelid closure.

Eye Twitching

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