10 Causes Of Canker Sores

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cause #9: Behcet’s Disease

Behcet’s disease or syndrome is an inflammatory disorder that affects blood vessels in any part of the body. The syndrome presents with various symptoms which may seem unrelated. These include skin rashes, genital sores, eye inflammation and mouth sores. The symptoms are not uniform, but vary from one person to another and depend on the part of the body that is affected.

If the mouth is affected, symptoms may include oral sores that are similar to canker sores. Oral sores are the most common symptom of Behcet’s disease. Behcet’s sores are raised and round in shape. They are usually painful and heal on their own within a week, but may take up to three weeks before clearing.

Canker Sores

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