Botulism: 10 Symptoms of Botulism

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Botulism is a serious condition that is caused by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. It can be ingested and it can also find its way into the body through open wounds.

In babies, there is also a risk of catching botulism through inhaling spores. Thankfully, it is rare, but it is potentially fatal and should always be treated as an emergency.

The bacteria release chemicals into the body and it is these chemicals that are so dangerous to us. They act to paralyze the muscles in the body. It can be treated, but it is important to get treatment as soon as the condition is suspected.


Symptom #1: Dry Mouth

We will occasionally wake with dry mouth, especially when we have had a heavy night the night before. It leaves us reaching for a glass of water pretty quickly, and it’s important that we do. It is important that the insides of our mouths remain wet. A dry mouth is also a sign that you could be dehydrated.

If a drink doesn’t remedy the problem, though, then it could be a sign of an illness, including botulism. If your mouth remains dry for too long then it could cause dental hygiene problems, and your teeth are also more prone to damage from corrosive bacteria.


Symptom #2: Difficult Breathing

If you are having a hard time breathing without having recently exercised, it is something that should be taken very seriously. If we are unable to breathe as much as we need to, then our bodies are not getting the oxygen they need. Prolonged breathing difficulties could lead to severe complications in the cardiovascular system. Severe cases could even be a threat to your life in the short term.

One symptom of botulism is difficulty breathing. If you are experiencing such symptoms without explanation, you should arrange to speak with a medical professional as soon as possible. Bear in mind it can also be a sign of a heart attack and other serious threats, so it should never be taken lightly.


Symptom #3: Facial Weakness

Our facial muscles are at work 24/7, even when we are sleeping. What might appear to be a relaxed facial expression is still being held into place by the facial muscles. These muscles also help with other important things such as helping us speak and chewing our food.

Botulism can lead to a weakening of the facial muscles. This can make it difficult for you to make facial expressions as well as other important things such as using speech. It is something that should prompt you to speak with a doctor if you have not already, and it can be caused by a range of potentially serious problems. In botulism, these symptoms are experienced on both sides of the face.


Symptom #4: Stomach Cramps

Eat something you shouldn’t and you may well end up paying the price for it. Thankfully, this is not usually serious, but it can still be very painful at times. Eating the wrong foods can cause various problems such as indigestion, while it can also cause the muscles of the stomach to develop cramps.

A bad case of stomach cramps can leave you curled up in agony. If the symptoms are severe and are persistent, you should arrange to see a doctor regardless of the suspected cause.


Symptom #5: Blurred or Double Vision

Our eyes are located where they are because their position helps us to triangulate. Information about the light that is received by the eyes is then sent to the brain, which will then translate the information into something meaningful. If any part of this system is affected somehow, it can impact on our ability to see clearly.

Botulism attacks the central nervous system and paralyzes the muscles. This makes it difficult for the eyes to focus, resulting in vision that is blurred or doubled. If you do experience these symptoms suddenly, then you should arrange to speak with a doctor as soon as you are able to.


Symptom #6: Eating and Speaking Difficulties

Eating and speaking are things that we take for granted on a daily basis. We are able to eat from the day we are born, while speaking also becomes second nature once we have learned how. Both require complex muscle control, though, and we can lose these abilities if the muscles controlling them are affected in some way.

Botulism can cause the muscles in the face and neck to become paralyzed. This can affect our ability to swallow and chew, while also making it harder for us to speak. Such symptoms can also be caused by other potentially serious problems and should be treated as an emergency if they come on suddenly.


Symptom #7: Nausea

If you have been ill before, and you probably have, then it is likely that you have experienced nausea. It is not even necessary to be ill to experience the symptom, and the vast majority of people will have experienced it at some point. It is a common symptom which makes it difficult to pinpoint the cause, and it can be caused by botulism.

Toxins flowing through your body can make you feel very nauseous indeed. What’s more is that they can also cause you to vomit, and this can complicate matters further as it can lead to dehydration and malnutrition. Although these symptoms are not usually enough to have us overly concerned, you should speak with a doctor if they persist.


Symptom #8: Constipation

Food needs to pass through our digestive tract at about the right pace. If it goes too fast then not enough food and water will be absorbed. If it does not go fast enough, then it can cause the digestive tract to become blocked. The latter is known as constipation, and it is a fairly common symptom.

Constipation causes stools to become hard and dry because most of the liquids have been absorbed from them. This makes them difficult, and sometimes painful, to pass. Constipation does have the potential to be serious, so you should arrange to speak with a doctor if symptoms persist.


Symptom #9: Drooping Eyelids

When we get tired, our eyelids will often tend to droop. This is simply down to them becoming tired, making it difficult for them to keep the eyes fully awake. Sometimes, though, it can also be a symptom of a potentially serious condition, such as botulism.

Many people with botulism will experience drooping eyelids. This is because the muscles are becoming paralyzed by the toxins flowing through the body in an effect that is similar to using some types of drug. If you are suddenly experiencing this symptom, you should arrange to get it checked out as soon as you can.


Symptom #10: Paralysis

There are at least 650 separate muscles in the human body, all of which perform different functions. Some of them are not so important and might just move an extremity, others are essential and we would not be able to live without them. If we were to lose the ability to control them, then our lives could become very different indeed.

Botulism can lead to paralysis of the muscles. In addition to symptoms explained above, it can leave patients barely able to move at all, potentially leaving them wheelchair-bound, or worse. Patients will sometimes face a long period of therapy to help them recover.

For patients with botulism, the paralysis usually follows a descending pattern. Starting with the muscles of the face and throat. As the disease progresses, the paralysis may reach the extremities and even the muscles involved with respiration.


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