Anal Fistula Symptoms, Causes & More

By priscilla
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Abscess and Fistula Expanded Information | ASCRS.' ASCRS,
  • 2. 'Anal Fistula.' uk, 20 Oct. 2017,
  • 3. 'Anal Fistula.' Fairview,
  • 4. 'Anal Fistula.' A Non-Profit Hospital in Los Angeles | Cedars-Sinai, 8 May 2019,
  • 5. 'What Is A Fistula? Types, Causes and Treatments Explained.' NAFC,
  • 6. 'American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). 'Anal Cancer: Risk Factors and Prevention.', June 2019,
  • 7. 'Kumar, Karthik, and MBBS. 'What Happens During a Fistulotomy? Procedure to Remove Infection.' MedicineNet,
Medical Expert Medical Expert

5. Diagnosis

If a doctor suspects a person has an anal fistula, they will look into the individual's medical history and perform a physical exam.1‘Abscess and Fistula Expanded Information | ASCRS.’ ASCRS, In some cases, an anal fistula is easy to identify, but not always. This is because fistulas sometimes seal themselves and reopen later.

A doctor looks for signs of bleeding or oozing fluid. During the exam, the doctor may insert a finger into the person's anus. They also may order a CT scan, X-ray or a colonoscopy to diagnose the condition.

Anal Fistula

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