All about Leg Cramps at Night

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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5. Sitting Position

Many of us will spend a lot of the time sitting down, especially those of us who work in offices. Sitting may not seem like it is physical demanding but in actuality it is considered to be a cause of “repetitive injuries”. Prolonged sitting in one posture can cause aches and pains especially if that posture is poor.

Sit in the wrong position for too long and you might end up getting cramps at night. Sitting can perpetuate back problems which can lead to muscle cramping. Also, sitting in certain positions can cause a shortening of muscles and tendons which can also lead to muscle cramps. If you do spend a lot of time sitting then you should try and stand and stretch your legs as much as you can.

Leg Cramps at Night

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