10 Common Fears & Phobias

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Aerophobia (Fear of Flying)

Although many people have a fear of flying, those who have a persistent and intense fear have what is called aerophobia. People with this phobia may experience anticipatory anxiety, in which the fear begins to crop up long before the flight is scheduled, or only experience symptoms upon boarding the plane. Common symptoms include shaking, sweating, flushed skin, irritability, nausea and digestive issues.

Aerophobia affects around 6% of the population, and this sometimes results in people avoiding flying for any reason, which can affect work and family life. Common causes include experiencing or witnessing a plane crash, parental influence or circumstances related to life events. Common treatment methods include anxiety management techniques, airplane-related education, group or individual therapy, and controlled exposure via flight simulation or actual flight.

Fears & Phobias

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