10 Common Fears & Phobias

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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3. Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)

Another common phobia, acrophobia, is an extreme fear of heights. Many people may be nervous or even a little dizzy when up high, but these symptoms are normal and do not describe a phobia. People who have acrophobia are often afraid of any height, including stools or small stepladders, and just the thought of heights can cause intense anxiety and panic. Common symptoms include trembling, chest pain, sweating and feeling lightheaded.

Causes may include a previous fall or panic attack while in a high location, such as on a ladder or looking out a window of a skyscraper. If this phobia is preventing someone from living life, some possible treatments are cognitive behavioral therapy, virtual reality, exposure therapy, and sedatives or anti-anxiety meds for symptoms.

Fears & Phobias

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