10 Common Fears & Phobias

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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2. Ophidiophobia (Fear of Snakes)

Fear of snakes is the most commonly reported phobia, with around 33% of the population admitting abnormal fear. People with ophidiophobia are not only afraid of live snakes, but they also avoid looking at snakes in books or on screen. Some are even afraid of snake-like forms. Even the thought of snakes can cause physical symptoms, such as dizziness, sweating of the extremities, fast heart rate, nausea, shortness of breath and trembling. These symptoms intensify when in physical proximity to a snake.

Causes of this phobia include media portrayal, previous negative experiences or learned behaviors. One treatment method is exposure therapy or systemic desensitization, in which a person is exposed to snakes in a nonthreatening environment. Other treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy, in which thoughts of snakes are reframed, and medication to help ease anxiety.

Fears & Phobias

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