10 Symptoms of Whiplash

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/sprains/Pages/Introduction.aspx
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Symptom #6: Tingling or Numbness

A tingling or numb feeling that occurs hours, days or weeks after experiencing sudden movement of the head, neck and other parts of the body may be a symptom of whiplash. These feelings occur when whiplash causes compression or inflammation of one or more main nerves in the spine.

The compression or inflammation causes tingling or numbness that radiates from the nerve root area, down the length of the nerve and onwards to the parts of the body served by the nerve. In most cases, tingling, numbness or weakness begins in the neck, radiating through the shoulder to the arm, hand and fingers. It usually affects one side of the body, although in some cases it can affect both sides.


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