10 Symptoms of Whiplash

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/sprains/Pages/Introduction.aspx
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Symptom #3: Unstable Neck

Neck instability, which is when the neck doesn’t hold as it should, may be a symptom of whiplash. This is caused by overstretched or torn ligaments and muscles such that the bones or other tissues are not held in place. As a result, you may experience uncharacteristic neck posture or movement.

If the injury is serious, recovery might be so difficult that the damage becomes permanent. This can lead to a condition known as alteration of motion segment integrity or AOMSI. This can mean that your neck no longer holds the posture it had, or you acquire a new, uncharacteristic neck movement.


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