10 Symptoms of Whiplash

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/sprains/Pages/Introduction.aspx
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Symptom #10: Emotional Problems

Emotional issues such as irritability, anxiety and depression may be symptoms of whiplash. These symptoms may arise as a result of posttraumatic stress following the events leading to the whiplash injury. Stress may also result due to issues that arise after the accident, including medical bills, incapacity to earn, litigation and similar injuries in loved ones.

If a person with whiplash injuries is weighed down by such issues, he may experience emotional changes such as extreme sadness, worrying, poor concentration and depression. These changes can lead to symptoms like sleep disturbances and social withdrawal or even depression and suicidal tendencies.


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