What Is Waardenburg Syndrome?

By jolene
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Since it is estimated to affect 2% to 5% of those with congenital hearing loss, this means there is an estimated prevalence of 1 in every 42,000 individuals. However, it is estimated that the actual prevalence may be as high as 1.19 to 2.08 per 10,000 people. Types 1 and 2 have been observed to be the commonest type of syndrome while types 3 and 4 are considered rare. As of 2002, there are only 48 reported cases of type 4 Waardenburg syndrome. In schools for the deaf, it is estimated that Waardenburg syndrome affects 1 in 30 students.

It affects all regardless of gender or race. Since there can be a highly variable presentation, it can be difficult to estimate the precise figures of the condition’s prevalence.

Waardenburg Syndrome

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