What Is Waardenburg Syndrome?

By jolene
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7. Waardenburg Syndrome Type 4

Since there are no cures for Waardenburg syndrome, the aim of treatment and management for this condition is supportive. This means that it is aimed at reducing the number of complications and increasing the quality of life for patients with Waardenburg syndrome. For example, since the most likely symptom to be of practical importance in this condition is deafness, it can be treated as any other irreversible deafness.

Children born with congenital deafness will need extra support as deafness can impede their learning process compared to their peers. In some cases where there are cosmetic issues, they may benefit from consultations with experts in the field. Other abnormalities such as structural, neurological, and Hirschsprung disease can also be treated based on their symptoms.

Waardenburg Syndrome

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