What Is Viral Pharyngitis?

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. Is It Possible to Prevent Viral Pharyngitis?

Although viral pharyngitis is common, it is often preventable. The best thing to do is avoid contact with people who have some type of viral or bacterial infection. Washing hands is especially important. This can be done with warm water and soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Hand washing is critical after being around someone with symptoms as well as after sneezing or coughing. It also helps to avoid sharing drinks, food and utensils with anyone else.

Smoking increases the risk of getting pharyngitis, so avoiding this habit and staying away from others who smoke helps prevent it. Viral pharyngitis is especially common in children aged 14 years and younger as well as during winter months, so special precautions should be taken in these circumstances.

Viral Pharyngitis

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