What Is Viral Pharyngitis?

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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7. Are There Herbs or Other Alternative Remedies for Pharyngitis?

Along with home care, some people choose alternative remedies, and herbs are popular options. Honeysuckle flower is a sweet herb that helps decrease inflammation. For a sore throat, make hot tea using the flowers. Marshmallow root has been used for years to help soothe sore, swollen throats because it helps loosen mucous in the back of the throat. It is also best used in tea.

Slippery elm may help reduce mucous and irritation. The herb can be made into tea or found in throat lozenges. Licorice root helps reduce swelling and thin mucous secretion. Tea can be made with the root, or licorice powder can be added to a different tea. The powder can also be mixed with warm water for a gargle rinse. However, patients should always consult with a doctor before using herbal remedies, as they can cause health complications or drug interactions.

Viral Pharyngitis

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