What Is Viral Pharyngitis?
2. What Causes Viral Pharyngitis?
Unlike bacterial pharyngitis, viral pharyngitis is caused by a variety of viruses. People who have viral infections are more prone to develop sore throats. Rhinovirus, which is the main cause of the common cold, is the most common infection that people get. Other common viruses include adenovirus, coronavirus, influenza, measles, Epstein-Barr, chickenpox, croup and whooping cough.
Certain things can increase one’s risk of getting pharyngitis. Being exposed frequently to others with flus and colds is one, so people who work in healthcare settings are at higher risk. People who smoke or are exposed regularly to second-hand smoke have greater chances of getting pharyngitis. Other risk factors include having a history of recurrent sinus infections or a history of allergies.