What Is Viral Pharyngitis?

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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3. How Is Viral Pharyngitis Transmitted?

The viruses and germs that cause viral pharyngitis usually live in the throat and nose, and this makes pharyngitis quite contagious. These germs are transmitted when someone sneezes or coughs. When this happens, the virus is contained in tiny droplets that can transfer to other people in a number of ways. If someone is close to the person who is infected, the tiny droplets can be breathed in. The droplets also land on objects, so people can be exposed if they touch the objects and then touch their face. People can also get it by consuming beverages and food that contain the viruses.

Transmission can be reduced if people are careful to wash their hands with soap and water after sneezing or coughing and before touching their face or food. Viral pharyngitis can be passed on to others even before any symptoms appear, and the recovery period is typically between seven and 10 days.

Viral Pharyngitis

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