What Is Typhus?

By adam
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
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8. Who Is Typically Affected by Typhus Infections?

There is no specific population, gender or ethnicity more prone to typhus infections than another. However, the condition is most prominent in third-world countries and underdeveloped regions. Therefore, a common denominator for infection is poverty and limited to no access to health care facilities. Hygiene and sanitation are two essential components to controlling and eradicating typhus infections and epidemics.

Typhus affects impoverished areas more because the areas often receive limited governmental funding for fundamental amenities. Basic cleaning essentials that developed nations take for granted are not prevalent, which makes hygienic practices difficult. Lice, fleas and other carriers thrive in unclean environments, which leads to an increased risk of rickettsial bacteria and infection. Unfortunately, these communities are often overpopulated as well, leading to increased and rampant spread of the condition.


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